The World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report 2021 ranked Iceland as the “best country for gender equality” for the 12th consecutive year. While leaders in Iceland acknowledge there is much more to be done, we exchanged best practices and also shared awareness on the #LatinaPayGap.
I had the honor to participate as a conversationalist/speaker at the @Reykjavik Global Forum – Women Leaders @WPLeadersOrg Global Forum on the topic Mind the Gap, Close the Gap! Representing SHENIX & HACE . Thank you to Hanna Birna Kristjánsdóttir and Silvana Koch-Mehrin for shedding light on this issue. My recommendations included:
The Pay Gap Issue Must be Addressed Using an Intersectional Lens. Research and data continuously show that women from traditionally marginalized or underrepresented groups face the biggest gaps as it pertains to pay AND promotional/advancement opportunities. For example:
· AAUW Equal Pay Day Calendar
· Women in the Workplace Report by McKinsey &
Solutions Must be Equity-Focused, whereas structures that hinder equal pay must be restructured and whereas programs for participants must meet them where they are – must be culturally relevant and from trusted sources. Examples of this are:
· Mujeres de HACE Women’s Leadership Program,
Not only do we need to close the gap, we need to collectively ACCELERATE the economic transformation for those left behind.
We must #PowerTogether #EqualPay #MujeresdeHACE #LatinaEqualPayDay #WomenLeaders #JuntosHACEmosMÁS